Sunday, June 21, 2009

Time to say good bye

Dear students,

you have come to the end of the rainbow. I hope you have found, if not a pot of gold, that blog writing has been a useful experience and that you have learnt something new.

Here's the lyrics to the song that inspired me to name this blog: "Rainbow"

Rainbow, Look me up look me down, rainbow,

You were fun to have around

I was dreamin, Of the love I had to share,

Never thinkin, You were here you were.

Not a word, not a sound, could see or even feel the ground

A pot of gold, I was sold, by the way you let it fly

Rainbow, Look me up look me down,

Rainbow, You were fun to have around

Now Im changing, for the better for the day,

Feel like singing all the colours you convey

Come on home, Keep me warm,

And love me till the new days born

And I pray, You will stay,

For ever in my eyes

Monday, June 15, 2009

Blog Session N° 11>> Write about you Blogging Experience

Dear students,
This is your last blog session. (At last!, you may say). I hope you have enjoyed writing your posts because today you are expected to write, in a minimum of 300 words, about your blogging experience.

- Did you enjoy it? Why? Why not?
- Did it help you improve your English?
- Give your opinion of the advantages and disadvantages of blogging in the English class.

I hope you get a lot done!!!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Blog Session 10>> Your Ideal Job

Hello everybody!
I hope everything's fine with you.
Today's post is about your dream job, so think about the anwsers to the following:

-What your ideal job would be.
-What qualities and skills you would need to do this job.
-Why you would be good at this job.
-How difficult it would be to find this kind of job.
Be sure to write around 200 words and comments on at least 3 of your classmates' blogs

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Blog Session 9 >> Your Favorite Subject

Change of plans! Since you don't have earphones with you here in the lab, I suggest you do session 9 today: Your favourite subject. To do so, try and answer these questions:
What is your favourite subject this term?
Who teaches it?
Why do you like it?
What have you learnt this semester?

Remember: write 150 words minimum please.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Blog Session 8 >> Talk Review

Hi everybody!

How is it going? I know, I know... you've been working very hard, studying for tests, doing assignments, and attending classes! I hope you still keep some creative energy in store to write your new post.
This week we are taking a look at the TED website:

You have to visit it, watch Sir Ken Robinson's talk "Do Schools Kill Creativity" , and then write a 150 word review.
I hope you get a lot done!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Blog Session 7 >> Your Future

Hi everybody!
This session you're expected to write, in a minimum of 150 words, a post about your future life, your hopes and dreams. In order to do this try and answer the questions that follow:

What would you like to be doing 5 years from now? Professionally? Personally?

Where will you be living? What will you be doing?

Write an ideal future.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Blog Session 6 >> The Best in Your Field

Hi everybody! This time you're expected to write , in about 150 words, your opinion about the best person in your field. So, tell everybody what you think.

Include the following in your post:

  • Who she/he is,What she/he has done,Why you like her/him.
  • Explain what makes her/him the best.
  • Please find some examples of her/his work in images and post them too.

I hope you get a lot done!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009


Hello everybody!
This weeks' blog assignment is related to your career.
When you write your post make sure you answer these questions.
- Why are you studying this career?
- What do professionals in your area contribute to society?
- What tools will a professional in your area need to have in the future?
- What is your favourite subject?
- Include this and more in your answer
.And keep in mind that the minimum number of words is 150, please.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Hi everybody,Do you enjoy taking photos? Do you have a camera? Do you collect printed photos? Are you a photolog freak?

This week you are expected to write about a photograph that you like. When you comment on the photo, make sure to include the following in your post:
Who took it
What it shows
When it was taken
Why you like it,

Write at least 150 words and don't hesitate to ¡nclude any other information you think is important.

Finally, add comments to at least 3 of your classmates’ blogs

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Hi everyone!
The blog assignment for this week requires that you browse through the internet to find an appropriate career-related web site you enjoy visiting and write about it (150 words).

You should:

- provide a link
- say how you found the site
- say how often you visit the site and explain why you like the site.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

My favourite piece of technology

Hi everybody!
Are you the techy type? Do you try to keep up with the latest technology?
This week's blog assignment is to write about your favourite piece of technology.
When you write your post make sure you say:
  • What it is.

  • When you got it.

  • How you use it.

  • How often you use it.

  • Why you like it.

  • What life would be like with out it.

  • (150 words minimum)

  • Include a picture.

    Comment on at least 3 of your classmates’ blogs.

Let's start at the very beginning

Dear students,
Welcome to your first blog session. Now that you have created your blog make sure you select English as your working language and activate the comments option (automatic by default). After doing that, link your teacher’s blog and ALL your classmates’ blogs. To do this you will need to write your URL on the whiteboard.

Ready? If so, write a short introductory post.
Who you are and what English learning objectives you hope to achieve through using your blog (50 words minimum).
Finally, leave comments on at least 3 of your classmates’ blogs.
Make sure you personalize your blog (e.g. add a presentation, survey, change colour fonts, etc).
