Monday, June 15, 2009

Blog Session N° 11>> Write about you Blogging Experience

Dear students,
This is your last blog session. (At last!, you may say). I hope you have enjoyed writing your posts because today you are expected to write, in a minimum of 300 words, about your blogging experience.

- Did you enjoy it? Why? Why not?
- Did it help you improve your English?
- Give your opinion of the advantages and disadvantages of blogging in the English class.

I hope you get a lot done!!!


  1. Hello teacher, I look for you but I didn't find you. My test ended at two o'clock. I hope you understand the situation. I'm sorry. I see you on Wednesday or if you want that I do the tests (listenings) other day, you can say me to my e-mail: Thank you. Emilio Venegas.

  2. Estimated teacher: I write to you to ask you a little time to be able to realize and finish my posts. I have had some problems of time in this last days, I hope you understand it. My e-mail is if you would to comunicate whit me. I will try to finish my posts before monday. Anyhow I understand that I'm responsible for the sanctions that could prove for these faults. For you attention, thank you very much. Fernanda.

  3. Mister Luzzy!
    I'm sorry I couldn't go to the last class on Wednesday, once again I had to work. I'm going to write the last blog today if that's OK.

    I don't know if we can talk by mail or in the faculty, I need to know how's my assistance and if there's classes next wednesday.

    Anyway, we'll see each other sometime soon I supose. Greetings,


